Category: short, insight

I’m feeling great right now. I feel big and spacious, gravity is light, and I have a heightened awareness of how my actions and mindset influence my level of well-being.
For some time now, I’ve been struggling against my winter blues, with the ambition to avoid spiralling into depressive episodes. I had a philosophical-coaching session with Peter and realized that my ambition for winter wellness has been way too low.
I decided to not settle for “doing okay”, and decided to work strategically to raise my happiness levels by a lot. As I sat thinking about how to make myself feel really great, I started to feel really great.
This makes total sense in a Zen way; by thinking about how to make myself feel great, I went into a self-love mindset. And loving yourself is a good basis for feeling great.
I’ve thought of “self-love” as something abstract, a quality I can increase by doing metta and other practices. The label doesn’t matter, what matters is having the intent to do things that are good for my well-being.
Beautiful, thank you!